BT Telephone line shutdown implications for security systems

Openreach (the provider of telephone infrastructure in the UK) is shutting down the old telephone network and replacing it with a new All IP upgrade.

The All IP and Exchange Exit programmes (

The UK is undergoing a significant technological shift.

Analogue to Digital Transition:
The traditional landline phone network in the UK, known as the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), is being phased out by 2025.
The UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, has set out a program for phone companies to transition from the old analog copper network to an entirely digital phone system over IP (Internet Protocol) by 2025.
This transition involves upgrading landline services to new digital technology using an internet connection, such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Digital Voice, or All-IP telephony.
The change aims to improve call quality, offer new features (like anonymous caller rejection and three-way calling), and ensure a more efficient and reliable communication system.
What It Means for Consumers:
For most consumers, this change will be straightforward.
If you already have an internet connection, the migration may be as simple as plugging your phone into your broadband router instead of the traditional wall socket.
Telecoms companies will contact their customers ahead of the migration, so you don’t need to take any action until your provider reaches out to you directly.
Remember, nobody will lose their landline service due to this transition, and there will still be an option for a ‘landline only’ service if someone prefers not to purchase a general internet connection. The move to digital technology will enhance communication capabilities and pave the way for a more reliable and efficient phone network in the UK.
However Intruder alarms and security systems usually use legacy equipment designed for ‘copper’ pstn and not IP. It is recommended all systems are upgraded to utilise the new communication lines.

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